Together with Humanity Matters, we embarked on a journey to understand the lived experience of Jewish people in Aotearoa, New Zealand when it comes to mis/disinformation online.

To help identify ways to overcome mis- and disinformation online, we ideated with the Jewish community and experts. We explored how we can engage change, based on their lived experiences and the challenges they spoke about. We pulled together the report below to capture all the taonga (treasure) the Jewish community shared with us, as well as pathways for change.

  • With a primary focus on human rights in the key areas of race, ethnicity, sexuality and gender, and specialisation in genocide, a key objective of Humanity Matters NZ is to provide curriculum-based materials for educators and students on human rights and case studies on genocides around the world.

  • Visual design and facilitation by Jess Holdaway

    Strategy, research & facilitation Jo Mitchell


Kindred Family Services


Ka Tū Māia